Year: 2015

Food Industry Responds to Consumer Demand Seeking a Reduction in Artificial Ingredients

In Michael Pollan’s Six Rules for Eating Wisely, warned against consuming foods that our great-great-great grandmothers wouldn’t identify. Well, this is easier said than done.

While a 2015 Nielsen survey shows that a large number of Americans want fresh, natural, and modestly processed foods, Azodicarbonamide (yoga mat chemicals) has been discovered in almost 500 food products. Yet, the trend is changing as fast food chains, fast casual restaurants and even multinationals are responding to pressure from consumers, especially from Millennial demanding food made without artificial ingredients.…

Which is more important: Local or organic sourced foods?

According to a recent study made on organic and non-organic foods in Germany, it was revealed that consumers are more interested in knowing whether foods are locally sourced or not than knowing whether foods have organic source or not.

The study, published in Appetite, explained the differences in consumers’ behavior and willingness-to-pay (WTP) values between consumers who prefer organic production of food to locally processed foods and those who consider it the other way round. The research further exposed that organic-minded consumers have a stronger preference and estimated WTP for both local and organic processed foods.…

Why your grandparents didn’t have food allergies … and you do?

Do you really want to know why your grandparents did not have food allergies? It’s quite easy…
Below were some of the things they did to avoid food allergies;

1) They ate only seasonal foods from original source.

The foods they ate came from farms and small markets in the early 1900′s, and because food preservatives were not widely used then, foods were fresh. Due to lack of processed foods, their diets were nutrients-filled making them to get the required nourishment they needed from their foods. For infants, breast milk was taken very seriously and valued; it was always in …

Your Kids Are Eating These Five Things and You Don’t Know

As parents, we strive, to the best of our ability, to provide our children with a healthy diet. We study ingredient lists, shop carefully, pack delicious healthy lunches and cook meals in the house whenever possible.

But the lapses in government regulations about food tag mean that even the most careful parents can miss some important information about what they give their children to eat.

Here are five troublesome things your children consume in meals and the solutions;…

Why family dinner?

Are you a parent? Do you live on planet earth? Then,I’m convinced that you must have heard about all the important things that can come about when you sit down with your kids every night to eat dinner: They’ll perform better in school, have greater self-esteem and they’re most likely to prefer taking fruits and veggies to drugs. You can testify to this yourself!…

Don’t Throw Away the Best Part of the Avocado Ever Again

Avocados have a huge number of health benefits, and their versatility in the kitchen make them easy to add to nearly any dish. They have healthy fats, vitamin K, lutein, folate, and many more important vitamins and nutrients. But, if you’re like most people, you’re throwing away the best part of the avocado, and we’re not talking about the skin. The seed of the avocado contains 70% of the nutritional benefits of the avocado, so adding the seed or seed oil to your diet will help you increase your nutritional intake and provide you with more antioxidants.

Where to Live if You Want the Best Organic Produce

78% of all the organic food sales come from just 10 U.S. states, so if you want to significantly reduce the amount of time and distance it takes for your food to go from the farm to your fork, consider moving to one of these states.

California takes the cake and has 41% of the total organic sales nationwide, coming in at $2.2 billion in sales last year. Washington State came in the second position with just $515 million in sales. Then comes Pennsylvania, Oregon, Wisconsin, Texas, New York, Colorado, Michigan, and Iowa.…

5 Coffee Benefits You Might Not Have Known About

Although the exact origin of coffee as we know it today is not entirely known, few coffee-drinkers in the U.S. will argue that they are passionate about this drink. Most of the coffee drinkers in the United States are between the ages of 40 and 60. Despite its popularity, there are a number of surprising health benefits that coffee has. Most healthy is drinking organically produced coffee.

1. Increased Blood Circulation

Just 5 ounces of black coffee can increase the blood flow in your capillaries by 30%. This helps to make sure that all of your body’s tissues are oxygenated …

USDA Releases Data that Reveals a Positive Future for Organic Food

The national organic standards have officially been around for 15 years now, and the USDA celebrated its birthday by putting out a survey on the organic farms and products, the first since 2008. This survey has revealed that over 14,000 organic farms sold about $5.5 billion worth of organic products last year in the United States alone. This is a whopping 72% increase since 2008. Organic dairy products alone make up over $1 billion of that number.…