Benefits of Drinking Organic Milk

Put down the sports drink and take a swig from the pail instead.

It’s Good For Rehydrating

While many people turn to plain water or sports drinks to rehydrate after working out, the truth is that organic cow’s milk actually has the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and sodium that your body needs. Plus, it also will help your body retain the fluids that it needs to function properly. Additionally, there are no added sugars, food coloring, or artificial ingredients that most sports drinks contain.

A recent study done by Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism journal proved that organic milk helps to rehydrate the body much better than water or sports drinks. Although the subjects in the study did report having more bloating, if you sip rather than guzzle milk, you should be fine.

It Can Help You Meet Your Vitamin D Requirement

Nearly half of the adults in the United States have vitamin D deficiencies. This important vitamin helps to prevent cancer and heart disease among other things. However, since there isn’t a lot of vitamin D in foods, it makes it hard for many people to get the amount that they need. Some foods that contain vitamin D include sardines, tuna, and UV-treated mushrooms, all things that most people don’t regularly include in their diet. However, organic milk is fortified with vitamin D and just one cup will give you 30% of your daily recommended intake.

It May Help Boost Fertility

What’s that you say? Women who consumed one or more servings of full-fat milk per day were 27 percent less likely to experience infertility (due to lack of ovulation) compared with those who drank less than one serving, according to research published in the journal Human Reproduction. Low-fat dairy, however (especially yogurt and frozen yogurt), had the opposite effect. So if you’re looking to conceive, you may want to start your mornings with a nice cold glass of milk.

It Can Reduce The Risk Of High Blood Pressure

Setting down the saltshaker need not be your only strategy to prevent high blood pressure. Drinking milk may also help knock down those numbers, according to a study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension. People who drank two or more servings of dairy per day had a reduced risk—by as much as 13 percent—of developing hypertension. Cheese didn’t seem to have any impact, but low-fat milk, full-fat milk, and yogurt all did.

Source: RodalesOrganicLife

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