Table of Contents
Premium natural seasoning brand, Cheonyeondama is made with 100% of non-aseptic, no-colored, no-additives natural ingredients. We can help you develop the healthy eating habits for our family and children, by making the best quality of natural seasoning with environment-friendly, organic ingredients.
Efficient way to use Cheonyeondama in your home
When Cheonyeondama Owners baby started to reject eating food that was not seasoned, so Owner tried feeding him different kinds of food including store-bought baby formula or even take-out foods that adults eat. However, this resulted in the baby suffering through primary stages of atopic syndrome and food poisoning. Hence, they started giving more thoughts to what the baby was fed.
Cheonyeondama use the best and freshest natural resources for all of the food they create. With resources such as the shiitake mushroom that has an organic certification and other natural spices, Cheonyeondama have used the best natural products (not just using spices for the creation of the base of the soup) without preservation of any kind.
Cheonyeondama lead the healthy food culture for our family and children, by making the best quality of natural seasoning with environment-friendly, organic ingredients.
Introduction of product ingredients and features
[Dried Anchovy Stock Pack]
In this small stock powder pack, 70% of pure anchovy is contained! And natural seasoning mixed in golden ratio with anchovy, kelp, shrimp, onion, radish and celery. Thus ‘dried anchovy stock pack’ can make fresh and light flavors of meat stock, an essential ingredient for stew. This pack can be used for various stew-type dishes.
[Dried Chungyang Hot Pepper Stock Pack]
This small stock powder pack contains anchovy, Chungyang hot pepper, hot pepper seeds, kelp, shrimp, onion, rice, radish and celery.
Hot peppers are full of flavor and health benefits including as an aid in weight loss, and also contains vitamin D, vitamin C, Potassium, fiber and beta-carotene, research has linked eating hot peppers with reduced blood pressure and cholesterol. Also contain carotenoids that are protect against cancer
Since freeze-dried Korean Chungyang hot pepper and its seeds are added, accounting 20% of the total ingredients, it is appropriate for making spicy dishces.
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